JKSSB Jobs 2020 |
J&K Services Selection Board has released the exam dates for the post of Junior Assistant, Junior Stenographer, Physicist, Clinical Psychologist, Prosthetic and Orthotic Technician, Workshop Worker and Health Educator. Candidates who have applied for the said posts can check their exam date and admit card status through the official website of Board. The computer Based Test (CBT) for the said posts is scheduled to be held w.e.f 25th of March 2020 onwards.
JKSSB Exam Date for Various Posts:
Organization: JKSSB
Name of Post: Various
Exam Mode: Online
Exam Name: Computer Based Test (CBT)
Negative Marking: YES (0.25)
Admit Card Status: Available From 13 to 20 March 2020
Exam Date: 25, 26 & 27 March 2020
Computer Based Written Test Postponed – Click Here For Official Notification
Computer Based Written Test Postponed – Click Here For Official Notification
JKSSB Exam Date & Admit Card Released for the following Posts:
1. Junior Assistant
2. Junior Stenographer
3. Physicist
4. Clinical Psychologist
5. Prosthetic and orthotic Technician
6. Workshop Worker
7 Health Educator