JKSSB Admit Cards Available for Sub-Inspector Finance, The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) is conducting the OMR Based Written Examination for 62 posts of Sub-Inspector, Finance Department advertised vide Notification No. 04 of 2020, under Item No. 118, 121 & 123 on 10.03.2024.
JKSSB Admit Cards Available for Sub-Inspector Finance
Admit cards for the candidates, whose examination is scheduled on 10.03.2024 shall hosted on JKSSB’s official website (www.jkssb.nic.in) w.e.f. 04.03.2024 from 04.00 PM onwards.
Candidates can download their admit cards from the website using their E-mail ID and Date of Birth. They must read the instructions contained therein, carefully.