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[JKSSB] JK Police Sub-Inspector (Home Department) Selection List 2022 Out» Download JKP SI Result PDF

JK Police – Result/Score Sheet of candidates for the posts of Sub-Inspector (Home Department), advertised vide Notification No. 06 of 2021 dated 21.10.2021.

[JKSSB] JK Police Sub-Inspector (Home Department) Selection List 2022 Out

✅Organization: JKSSB (J&K Police)

Department: Home

Name of Post: Sub-Inspector

Total Posts: 1200

Application Mode: Online

Exam Name: Written Test

Result/Score Sheet:Available       

Download JKP SI Result PDF

Result/Score Sheet of candidates for the posts of Sub-Inspector (Home Department), advertised vide Notification No. 06 of 2021 dated 21.10.2021.

JK Police Sub-Inspector (Home Department) Selection List 2022


Whereas, the Home Department, vide Indent No. Home/PB[1]II/34/2021 dated 02.07.2021, requisitioned/referred, 800 posts of Sub[1]Inspector, UT cadre for direct recruitment to the J&K Services Selection Board (JKSSB); and,

Whereas, the JKSSB, vide Advertisement Notification No. 06 of 2021 dated 21.10.2021, invited online applications from eligible candidates for participating in the selection process for aforesaid 800 Posts of Sub-Inspectors in terms of Rule 176 (1) (C) of S.0. 214 dated 01-07-2021 and S.O. 361 of

2021 dated 20-10-2021, as per the folowing breakup:

Name of Post




















Whereas, in terms of S.0 290 of 2021 dated 20.08.2021 issued by the the Home Department, J8K Government, addendum to Advertisement Notification No. 06 of 2021 dated 21.10.2021 was issued vide No. SSB/Secy/Advt. No./2021/7527-42 dated 05.11.2021, vide which it has been notified that the candidates processing National Cadet Corps (NCC) Certificates shall be awarded bonus marks for various categories/levels; and Whereas, the Home Department, vide letter dated 23.11.2021, conveyed increase in the number of posts of Sub-Inspectors by 400 i.e., from 800 to 1200. Subsequently, vide Notification No. SSB/Secy/2021/7926-42 dated 24.11.2021, the JKSSB notified that the number of posts of Sub Inspector advertised vide aforementioned Advertisement Notification No. 06 of 2021 shall be read as 1200, as per the following breakup: 

JK Police Sub-Inspector (Home Department) Selection List 2022 Out

Name of Post




















Whereas, the Home Department, vide S.0. No.420 of 2021 dated 10.12.2021, amended the Jammu and Kashmir Police Rules, 1960, whereby the upper age limit for these 1200 posts of Sub-Inspectors in J&K Police was enhanced to 30 years under direct recruitment and 32 years in respect of in[1]service Police personnel, as on 1st January, 2021; and

Whereas, in pursuance to the above notification, the JKSSB issued a corrigendum to the advertisement Notification No. 06 of 2021 dated 21.10.2021 to the extent of above enhancement in upper age limits; and Whereas, the last date for submission of online applications for aforesaid posts advertised vide Advertisement Notification No. 06 of 2021 dated 21.10.2021, was extended up-to 18-12-2021 vide Notice No. SSB/Secy/2021/8547-64 dated 08.12.2021, which was further extended upto 26.12.2021 vide Notice No. SSB/Secy/2021/9008-24 dated 23.12.2021; and Whereas, some candidates approached the Hon ble Central Tribunal, Jammu Bench, through the medium of O.A./1855/2021 titled Vikram Kumar & Others V/s Union Territory of J&K & Others, with the plea to direct respondents to prescribe the upper age limit as 33 years for recruitment to the post of Sub-Inspectors, advertised by J&K Services Selection Board vide Advertisement Notification No. 06 of 2021 dated Administrative 21.10.2021; and

Whereas, the Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal, while considering the matter on 17/12/2021 directed as under:

…Meanwhile the application forms of the applicants be accepted provided the last date for accepting the forms, as per submission of the learned counsel for the applicants, is 18.12.2021 and thereafter, the applicants to be permitted to participate in the selection process at their own cost and risk.

However, the result of the applicants shall not be declared till further orders from the Tribunal..”

Whereas, the matter was examined by the Board and it was decided to accept Ofline Forms from these applicants in O.A. 1855/2021in compliance with the above referred directions of the Hon’ble Tribunal; and

Whereas, some other applicants with the same plea also approached the Hon’ble CAT, Jammu/Srinagar Bench by medium of various OAs and the Hon’ble Tribunal, while considering their interim applications, granted similar relief to them; and

Whereas, the OMR based Written Examination for these 1200 posts of Sub-Inspector in J&K Police (Home Department), including all the applicants before the Hon’ble CAT, was conducted at various venues across the UT of J&K on 27.03.2022; and

Whereas, the tentative answer key was notified vide No. dated 27.03.2022 for SSB/COE/SI(P)/2022/3418-30 objections/representations in respect of any question/answer (if any), along[1]with documentary evidence/ reference through the online link available on the website of the Board from 28th of March 2022 to 31st of March 2022; and for seeking Whereas,in response to aforesaid Notice, 5490 representations were received from candidates against 120 unique questions. The representations/objections were subsequently got examined through the subject matter Experts; and

Whereas, based on their opinion /views, the final answer key in respect of aforesaid OMR examination held for the post of Sub-Inspector (Home Department) was finalized SSB/COE/OMR/2022/3942-49 dated: 19-04-2022. and notified vide No. Now, therefore, in view of the above, based on the performance of the candidates in the OMR based objective type written test conducted by the Board on 27.03.2022 and the bonus marks allocated to the candidates claiming possession of National Cadet Corps (NCC) Certificate, the Result/score sheet is hereby notified as Annexure-“A” to this Notification. However, the result of such applicants who were allowed to participate in the OMR based objective type written test on directions of the Hon’ble CAT is kept withheld tll further orders of the Hon’ble CAT/disposal of the OAs. Further, mere figuring in the result/score sheet shall not entitle a candidate to be shortlisted for further stages of selection and that he/she has to fulfill other eligibility conditions and decision of the Board in this regard shall be final. It is further notified that:

(i) Any candidate desirous of making representation with regard to marks obtained by him/her in the score sheet, may do so within three days (till 07.06.2022) through e-mail, only on official email address Such representation (s) shal be disposed of on merits and in with the extant Rules.

(i) In case no representation is received till 07.06.2022, the score sheet as notified, shall be treated as final. Further, the Board reserves the right to make any corrections /changes in the records at any later date as may be found necessary suo motto or on the request of the candidate(s) on the basis of documentary evidence, if any.

(ii) The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board will call candidates falling in the consideration zone, based on the merit obtained by them, for Physical Standard Test/ Physical Endurance Test, the schedule for which shall be notified separately.

iv) The Bonus marks which have been awarded to the candidates claiming to possess the NCC Certificates shall be subject to verification.

 [JKSSB] JK Police Sub-Inspector (Home Department) Selection List 2022 Out- Download JKP SI Result PDF

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